The Changing Water Blaster / Water Gun Landscape

Posted an article on to share my thoughts on: The Changing Water Blaster / Water Gun Landscape

Excerpt from the article:

However, one thing is for certain: the entire water blaster category’s footprint is shrinking in retail stores. I recall the days back in the 1980s and 1990s when, during spring, water blasters and water guns would occupy at least one entire side of a toy aisle (from 16′ to 24′, sometimes over 40′ of shelving space, floor to ceiling). Today, walking down the toy aisles, I would be lucky to find a water blaster section occupying 4′ or 8′ of shelf space with the remainder of the seasonal water toy aisle is now occupied by pool toys, beach toys, and other water play-related items.

Hope you guys find these thoughts informative in these challenging times. Soak on!

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